Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, guys! It’s April Fool’s Day, so instead of a regular Friday Fifteen, let’s change things up with some gif book reviews:

Flying Too High by Kerry Greenwood

The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore

Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell
Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt
And a gif for the writing process:
Happy Friday Fool’s, everyone!

Links Galore

Lots of links I’ve been saving:

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! I’m looking forward to a weekend with long runs, bookish friends, and Easter festivities. To kick things off, here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing, in fifteen words or fewer.

ReadingFixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler
Quiet YA contemp with family drama. Ockler’s writing is lovely; need to read more.

Writing: “The first thing we do at practice is pray.”
The slow and (not so) steady slog through the first draft continues.

Giveaway Winners and the Notorious RBG

Thanks to everyone who entered my International Women’s Day giveaway! I had such a great time hearing about your favorite women from history and sharing a few of my own that I ended up picking two winners. They are:

Emily and Jen!

You guys each get a signed copy of The Chance You Won’t Return! Keep an eye out for an email from me about shipping info.

Thank you to all who entered, and if you didn’t win this time, don’t worry–I’ll be having future giveaways and conversations about awesome ladies in history.

And speaking of awesome ladies, today is Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s 83rd birthday. Happy birthday, Justice Ginsburg! Here’s to many more years of you being an inspiration to all.

Last Day for Giveaway!

Earhart Maps Hawaii - 1935
Today’s the last day to enter my International Women’s Day giveaway! Share your favorite awesome woman from history, and enter to win a signed copy of The Chance You Won’t Return.

Having a hard time narrowing it down? A few of my favorites (along with Amelia Earhart, of course), are Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Frida KahloCoretta Scott KingSally Ride, Julia ChildHarriet TubmanKathrine SwitzerJane Austen, Eartha Kitt, and pretty much anyone Mackenzi Lee has mentioned in her #BadassLadiesofHistoryYouShouldKnow series. So if you’re like me and like talking about awesome women in history, get yourself over to the giveaway and enter to win!

International Women’s Day and The Chance You Won’t Return Giveaway!

Amelia Earhart
Today is International Women’s Day and considering female pioneer of aviation Amelia Earhart plays into my novel in a big way, it seems like a fantastic day for a giveaway. First, a few cool facts about the famous aviatrix:

Want more historical trivia about Amelia Earhart (plus some family drama, driver’s ed, mental health, and kissing)? Enter this giveaway to win a signed copy of The Chance You Won’t Return! Entries are open until March 15.

Want bonus points? Share your favorite female historical figure (or figures, there are a lot of great ladies to choose from) in the comments!


Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, guys! Thanks to some support and enthusiasm from my crit group, I managed to power through the first few chapters of a new project, and I’m heading into the weekend with a good writerly vibe. Here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or fewer:

ReadingDreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor
Not my favorite of the series, but writing was still gorgeous and I love Karou/Akiva.

Writing: “…it’s surprising Lily’s managed to keep her limbs in tact as long as she has.”
I’m glad that writing isn’t a contact sport.

Links Galore

A few links I’ve been saving.

Happy Book Birthday to THE BITTER SIDE OF SWEET!

Being part of a critique group means that you see drafts way before they hit the shelves, which means that you spend a while wishing that you could tell absolutely everyone about this amazing book that they have to read right now.

Fortunately I don’t have to hold back my enthusiasm any more, because The Bitter Side of Sweet by Tara Sullivan, because it is available today! That’s right, you lucky readers you–you can now own your very own copy of one of the most powerful, touching books I’ve ever read. There’s totally a reason why this book has four (yes, four!) starred reviews.

The official Goodreads summary:

For fans of Linda Sue Park and A Long Way Gone, two young boys must escape a life of slavery in modern-day Ivory Coast

Fifteen-year-old Amadou counts the things that matter. For two years what has mattered are the number of cacao pods he and his younger brother, Seydou, can chop down in a day. This number is very important. The higher the number the safer they are because the bosses won’t beat them. The higher the number the closer they are to paying off their debt and returning home to Baba and Auntie. Maybe. The problem is Amadou doesn’t know how much he and Seydou owe, and the bosses won’t tell him. The boys only wanted to make some money during the dry season to help their impoverished family. Instead they were tricked into forced labor on a plantation in the Ivory Coast; they spend day after day living on little food and harvesting beans in the hot sun—dangerous, backbreaking work. With no hope of escape, all they can do is try their best to stay alive—until Khadija comes into their lives.

She’s the first girl who’s ever come to camp, and she’s a wild thing. She fights bravely every day, attempting escape again and again, reminding Amadou what it means to be free. But finally, the bosses break her, and what happens next to the brother he has always tried to protect almost breaks Amadou. The old impulse to run is suddenly awakened. The three band together as family and try just once more to escape.

In the Boston area and want to celebrate this powerful book in person? Come to The Bitter Side of Sweet’s launch party tonight at Porter Square Books!

This is a book that gives voice to the tragic reality too many children face today, and deserves to be on everyone’s reading list. Get your copy of The Bitter Side of Sweet today!

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! Last weekend was a lot of food poisoning and frozen pipes, so I’m looking forward to one that’s a little less eventful. To start things off, here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or fewer.

ReadingDays of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor
Gave me some weird fever dreams, but great distraction from a gross weekend.

Writing: “If you…get hit by a car, I’m leaving you to get eaten by wolves.”
Trying to dive into a new project, still feeling things out.