Friday Fifteen

This was a short week thanks to a couple of snow days, and I am still so relieved to see Friday. Let’s go into the weekend with a look at what I’ve been reading and writing, in fifteen words or under.

ReadingThe Boy in the Black Suit by Jason Reynolds
Touching and gentle and real. First time I teared up at a list of recipes.

Writing: “It made me want to punch Thomas Jefferson for agreeing to the Louisiana Purchase.”
Really enjoying the voice of one of my WIP protagonists.

Happy almost Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Links Galore

Lots of good links to start the week:

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s like -20 outside with the windchill, and more snow is on the way for the Boston area, so I think this is going to be a great weekend to stay inside with a stack of books. Here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing, in fifteen words or fewer:

Reading: Gabi, a Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero
Funny and honest and heartfelt and real, and now a Morris winner!

Writing: “With each chapter and every word, I’m increasing my capacity for sympathy and survival.”
This month at Ploughshares, I’m talking about surviving, reading, and making dioramas. Check it out here!

Happy weekending!

Upcoming Event: YA Panel at the Blue Bunny on March 14th!

Two cool things about living in Massachusetts: lots of awesome bookstores and a great community of YA and children’s writers and readers. These two things come together next month, when I join some favorite local YA authors for a panel at the Blue Bunny Bookstore in Dedham, MA. The details:

Young Adult Author Panel Discussion and Book Signing
Saturday March 14th, 3 p.m.
The Blue Bunny Books & Toys

577 High St, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026
Join YA authors Cara Bertrand, Kim Harrington, Annie Cardi, AC Gaughen, and Gina Damico for a panel discussion, Q&A, and some tasty treats.

I’m so excited to be part of such a great group. Plus, it’s March 14th, aka 3/14, aka Pi Day, so there may even be celebratory pie. What more could you want?

And since it’s an event at the Blue Bunny, that’s an excuse to share a bunny gif, right?

Hope to see you all next month!


Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everybody! Even though it was technically a short week thanks to a snowstorm in the Boston area, I’m really glad to see the weekend. Here’s a little look at what I’ve been reading and writing, in fifteen words or less:

ReadingBright Before Sunrise by Tiffany Schmidt
May we all wear sparkly green nail polish more often.

Writing: “Maybe Masha and I couldn’t belong to ourselves. But we could belong to each other.”
From my latest short story at the Hanging Garden–go check it out!

Links Galore

Lots of link-y goodness:

Links Galore

Lots of cool links for today:

Links Galore

Lots of fun links for today:

The Friday Fifteen Returns!

Hi everyone! Regular readers may remember my blog feature, the Friday Fifteen, in which I’d post five to fifteen book reviews in fifteen words or fewer. It was a lot of fun to put together these microreviews of books I’d been reading and books I’d read years ago, but eventually it got kind of draining. I took off some time to reassess and now I’m back with a new Friday Fifteen format.

The new Friday Fifteen format:

  1. A book review in fifteen words or fewer (just like the good one days), likely something I’ve been reading.
  2. Fifteen words or fewer from whatever I’ve been working on.

So now, onto the first incarnation of the Friday Fifteen v. 2.0. (Or version 3.0?):

Reading:  Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed
First book written for adults in while that’s touched me. Lived up to the recommendations.

Writing: When I blinked again, she said, “Seriously, how do we ever have a conversation?”
Digging these characters’ banter in my current WIP.

Feel free to share your own microreviews or WIP snippets in the comments. Happy Friday!

Links Galore

Links to start the week: