The Chance You Won’t Return is a Bank Street College of Education Best Book of the Year!

I’m so excited to share that the Children’s Book Committee at the Bank Street College of Education has chosen The Chance You Won’t Return as a best book of the 2014! About the selection:

The Children’s Book Committee at the Bank Street College of Education strives to guide librarians, educators, parents, grandparents, and other interested adults to the best books for children published each year. In choosing books for the annual list, reviewers consider literary quality and excellence of presentation as well as the potential emotional impact of the books on young readers. Other criteria include credibility of characterization and plot, authenticity of time and place, age suitability, positive treatment of ethnic and religious differences, and the absence of stereotypes. Nonfiction titles are further evaluated for accuracy and clarity. Each book accepted for the list is read and reviewed by at least two committee members and then discussed by the committee as a whole.

Also so thrilled to see The Chance You Won’t Return on this list with several other YA novels from 2014 that I loved, like Sekret, We Were Liars, Pointe, and Side Effects May Vary. Being recognized with so many wonderful books makes it even more special.

A huge thank you to the  Children’s Book Committee for this honor and all their hard work and thoughtfulness in connecting readers of all ages with excellent books.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everybody! With the weather going cold/warm/cold, I feel like I have no idea what month it is, let alone what day. At least I can head into the weekend with a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or under:

Reading: Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers
You know those awful bullying stories you hear on the news? That’s these girls.

Writing: “Oh, perfect…Come the zombie apocalypse, you’ll be the one we go to for snacks.”
Gotta plan your zombie apocalypse team carefully.

Links Galore

Lots of links:

Book Cupcakes, Long Showers, and Writing Through Rejection: a YA Panel at Blue Bunny Books

The whole group--Cara, Kim, me, Gina, and AC!

The whole group, from L to R–Cara, Kim, me, Gina, and AC!

There are few things that can get me out of the house on a rainy Saturday. One of them: an awesome event at a local bookstore with a few other fantastic YA authors. Blue Bunny Books & Toys hosted us and, if you haven’t been before, it is the cutest store. Seriously, even if you’re not in Dedham, make the trip.

Our panel consisted of Kim Harrington, Cara Bertrand, AC Gaughen, Gina Damico, and me. We ended up having a great mix of genres represented, from paranormal romance to historical adventure to mystery to dark comedy to contemporary. It was cool to learn about how everyone approaches the writing process (we all understand the importance of showers as a place for creative thought) and creatingcharacters that feel real. We talked about powering through rejection, because every writer faces rejection in all stages of their careers; and as hard as rejection is, I always appreciate when I hear about how hard other writers have worked to get an agent/get published/sell their ninth book/etc. We answered questions from the audience and signed books and chatted with fellow book lovers about the importance of colorful nail polish.

Our very own book cupcakes!

Our very own book cupcakes!

Thanks so much to the Blue Bunny team, my fellow panelists, and everyone who came out to see us. What an awesome way to spend a rainy Saturday afternoon!

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! This week, we made it up to 50 degrees in the Boston area, and it felt like maybe someday spring would happen. In the meantime, let’s go into the weekend with a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or fewer.

Reading: The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen
I just want to live in a Sarah Addison Allen novel. Warm and engaging.

Writing: “We have secret club meetings…We get together, eat samosas, and plot your ultimate demise.”
Having fun with the banter between my WIP protagonists.

Links Galore

Lots of good links to share:

This Saturday, YA Panel at the Blue Bunny!

This Saturday (March 14, aka 3/14, aka Pi Day) at 4pm, I’ll be at Blue Bunny Books & Toys with four other awesome YA authors for a conversation about writing books for teens, the YA community, and (hopefully) our favorite kinds of pie. The details:

Young Adult Author Panel Discussion and Book Signing
Saturday March 14th, 4pm
The Blue Bunny Books & Toys
577 High St, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026

Check out the the Facebook event page for more details. In the meantime, some non-blue bunnies:

See you on Saturday!

Upcoming Event: YA Panel at Porter Square Books on July 17th!

Summer might seem like a long time away, especially for those of us in the Boston area who are still surviving the coldest/snowiest winter ever. Fortunately, I’m looking forward to a July 17, when I’ll be on a YA panel with several other 2014/2015 debut authors! The details:

Young Adult Author Panel Discussion
Friday, July 17th, 7pm
Porter Square Books
Porter Square Shopping Center, 25 White Street, Cambridge, MA 02140

Join YA authors Susan Adrian, Jen Brooks, Annie Cardi, MarcyKate Connolly, Trisha Leaver, Rachel Shane for a panel discussion, moderated by YA author Mackenzie Lee, as they talk about reading, writing, and the debut experience.

Porter Square Books is where I had the launch party for The Chance You Won’t Return and I’m so excited to be back there with a bunch of other lovely debut authors. Mark your calendars!

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s also the last Friday in February, and I’m hopeful March won’t bring quite as much soul-crushing snow. Here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing, in fifteen words or under:

Reading: El Deafo by Cece Bell
Just as honest, funny, and adorable as I’d hoped. Little me would have loved it!

Writing: “Resolution: a/ Girl needs a best friend, and mine/ Is so the best one.”
My WIP includes lots of haiku and friendship feelings.

Friday Fifteen

Somehow it’s already Friday? Not that I’m complaining, but it kind of snuck up on me. Here’s to a weekend of keeping warm and reading lots of books! To start us off, a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or under.

ReadingBreathe, Annie, Breathe by Miranda Kenneally
Quiet, touching; I didn’t want to leave these characters behind. Also appreciated the summery feeling.

Writing: “Just wrap my body in this blanket and give me a proper burial at sea.”
Loving my melodramatic WIP character.