All the links I’ve been hoarding:
- Cross-casting the Avengers with Jane Austen characters–be still my heart!
- “Be nice to people” and other writer etiquette tips.
- Cool article on the business and art of writing and publishing for children.
- Word count in hip hop.
- I am so team semicolon.
- Great interview with Sarah Dessen about writing books that ultimately don’t work, feminism, and going through a hard time in high school.
- The study of fanfiction.
- Yes, boys and girls can be just friends.
- Reading for school vs. reading for fun.
- Famous children’s book authors recommend their favorite picture books.
- The delightful YARN editors on YA trends, the pain of rejections (on both sides), and juggling the editing/writing time.
- First Book is helping get diverse books in the hands of young readers.
- Shakespeare knew how to put a good quote together, guys.
- And speaking of quotes, a few from Jewish American writers for Jewish American heritage month.
- John Green on how books connect with their movie adaptations.
- Nova Renn on filling the well.
- “So whenever all that other crazy stuff is kind of driving me crazy, I try and kind of bring it back to the one thing I can control – and that is the work. And that’s the thing that brings me so much satisfaction.” Wise words from Gayle Forman.
- Rock stars are readers, too.