Lots of links for your perusal:
- Because writers dig research.
- YA? MG UMG? LYA? What do age ranges actually mean for reading?
- On reviewing and self-publishing; comments section also worth checking out.
- In the same vein, no one owes you a reading/review/publication.
- Virginia Woolf on reading what you want: “Everywhere else we may be bound by laws and conventions — there we have none.”
- And it’s okay if you don’t like the ‘great, important books’ you’re supposed to read.
- Librarians are on the front lines of fighting against government surveillance.
- One reading is tackling the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge.
- Most artists are trying to balance their art with their day jobs.
- Possible real-life inspirations for classic fairy tales.
- I’ve totally dressed up as Claudia Kishi.
- Forget the Nobel, I want to see the award for Book That Made Most People Who Read It Happier And Nicer.
- Navigating your way through lots of sci-fi and fantasy reading goodness.
- We all feel like impostors.
- Trust PBS to report on why adults are reading YA and actually talk to children’s/YA writers and editors.
- Readers love Doctor Who and Doctor Who loves books.
- “This is indeed an effect of YA literature- a deepened love and appreciation for the relationships around the reader outside of the book, away from the plots and characters in the pages read.” Love this post.
- Secret bookshop. You know you love those words.