Let’s start the week off with lots of good links:
- How did I not know that there was a patron saint of writers?
- This list of American Girl doll characters are modern day teens would actually make a pretty kickass book series.
- A reminder that A Song of Ice and Fire isn’t actual medieval history.
- With six more weeks of winter facing us, you may need some good cold-weather reading.
- Most hilarious response to the 2014 ALA awards.
- Why the classic “do what you love” is not great advice for writers.
- Love these book sculptures.
- Return your books, Brooklynites!
- The Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced With Adversity is pretty much the coolest thing ever.
- I would totally go see a Madeline/Ludwig Bemelmans art exhibit.
- Best Revis rounds up the best and worst ways for authors to spend money.
- Mindy shares what she wishes she’d known before becoming a librarian.
- “When we fail to talk about sexuality, when we fail to clearly define consent, when we fail to acknowledge the various way that rape culture infuses itself into our daily lives, we fail our kids.” Christa, you are the best.