A Dark and Stormy Monday, Plus Books

We’re feeling the first effects of Hurricane Sandy here in Boston, and I’m feeling the first effects of a wicked chest cold. Whenever I’m sick, I’m reminded of how much I like when novels mention characters who get a cold or the flu. It’s so common and it’s almost never mentioned. I remember reading the beginning of The Young Unicorns by Madeleine L’Engle, which mentions Suzy Austin having a cold, and I loved that. Why don’t more fictional characters get the sniffles or a sore throat?

While I’m holed up at home, a fun video with book dominoes is just what I need:

Click through for even more fun book-related videos.


Read Alouds with Neil Gaiman and Other Awesome People

Coraline by Neil Gaiman is the perfect near-Halloween reading choice–it’s creepy and adventurous and not a typical scary reading choice. And now you can listen to Neil Gaiman and other famous people read it to you!

Chapters 1-8 have been posted thus far, so there’s plenty of time to catch up.

Also, Neil Gaiman’s reading voice is very Alan Rickman-y. Reason #521 why he’s awesome?

Authors on Higher Education: What’s Worth It?


Apparently it’s “YA Authors Talk About Higher Education and How It Affects Your Finances” week. First up, John Green looks at whether college is worth it or not.

On the graduate degree side, Laurie Halse Anderson looks at the MFA and if that’s worth it.

As someone who attended both, I had a great academic experience, and I can certainly say that my career was furthered because of my education. But I’d also say that this isn’t the right path for everyone, or the only path available. College and grad school can be absurdly expensive and there are major problems in academia. Still, like John says, the opportunity to learn lots of things is awesome. It really comes down to who you are and what you want out of your education.

(image: Rex Hammock)