If you’re like me, you’re unreasonably excited about the upcoming Hunger Games movie. The soundtrack was recently revealed, and I’m happy to see some favorite artists on the list, including:
Neko Case “Nothing To Remember”
The Decemberists “One Engine”
Glen Hansard “Take The Heartland”
It looks like the overall vibe is folk with an edge, which I think is perfect. (Frankly, I wish Neko Case could write the whole album; her sound matches the books perfectly.) Even though I don’t listen to much Taylor Swift, I actually like her song for the movie. You can see the video here:
Not as bouncy as a lot of her hits, and it has a nice mountain feel. So I’m very hopeful going into the movie. Any artists you like/dislike on the soundtrack, or anyone you wish were on the list?
Really digging this video for Don’t Go by Pyyramids:
Lots of awesome work in the background, and I love how genuine this girl seems. I could easily picture her doing the same dance at home, in front of her bedroom mirror. I want to dance, too!
Even though there’s still a lot of debate over the ebook, technology can be a very useful tool for writers. One recent example: well-known author Avi is launching a video contest for his novel City of Orphans. Details via readergirlz:
“Any teacher or librarian is eligible to submit a City of Orphans video for a student or classroom in fourth through ninth grade. Options include formats such as live action, documentary-style, readers’ theater, costumed theater, and book trailers; the format is not as important as the entrants’ demonstration of creativity and their interpretation of City of Orphans. An online voting process will help determine the winners, who will receive prizes ranging from an in-person visit and lunch with Avi (one Grand Prize) to Skype visits by Avi (nine Finalists). Five contest voters are eligible to win autographed copies of City of Orphans.”
Sounds like a cool project for a classroom or library group! I like that the video style is open, too; I think that will inspire a lot of different interpretations and allow readers to really have fun and explore their thoughts on the book. I haven’t read City of Orphans yet but it sounds like something I would have loved when I was younger.
Maurice Sendak and Stephen Colbert in the same room? It’s a grudge match of hilarity. I’m having issues with the embed codes, so check out part 1 and part 2 of the interview here.
Sneak preview: you get to hear Sendak sing. And swear (or at least the censor bleeps). It makes me love him that much more.
Confession: I like to imagine I could be in a band. When I’m alone in the apartment, I like to dance in front of the mirror and pretend I have actual musical talent. Until some fairy godmother grants that wish, I’ll stick to reading books about bands. Upcoming novel The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour sounds right up my alley. The trailer is really fun too!
Maybe I should start practicing my band hair now. (via Book Riot)
If you’re like me, you’re a little obsessed with TV show Downton Abbey, about a British family and their servants during WWI. (Season 2 currently airing on PBS!) It’s such an interesting time period, and the manor house life is so fascinating. PBS is also airing a real-life look at manor houses and the people in them. Check out this preview.
What an interesting environment! Inspiration for a YA novel, anyone?
Update: You can watch the whole thing online here.