At the Guardian, Maureen Johnson talks about YA and why it’s appealing to people who aren’t teens. My favorite quote: “I think that the reason it’s taken off so much is that it’s good. I think it’s actually that simple….It has its detractors and its detractors generally don’t know much about it.”
Totally agree. Much like any other genre, there are bad books in there are well, but overall YA is a fantastic category and adult readers should feel no awkwardness checking out that section of the bookstore.
Late by a day, but to celebrate Poet Billy Collins’ birthday, here’s a video of him reading his poem “The Lanyard.” I’ve seen Collins read a couple of times, and he works the comic tone nicely:
Maybe I should have saved this one for Mother’s Day instead.
Between the silhouetted animation, the intense music, and the take on violence in the fairy tale, I found it captivating. Even though it’s a somewhat gruesome take, I’m very intrigued by the idea of how the hero doesn’t necessarily live happily ever after, even if she’s survived. Kudos to directors Jorge Jaramillo and Carlo Guillot.
Wait, it’s a video with John Green that’s not a vlog brothers video? Can’t wrap my brain around it. Great interview though!
I especially like John’s comments on creating moments that are a gift to the reader and thinking of their experience. It’s cliche to say that you should write the book you want to read, but I think it’s good to remember the future reading experience as you write.
Also, it sounds really silly but I was excited to see John interviewed here because it’s so normal to see him in other videos. I thought “Look at him! Just like a real person! He’s famous outside of my little world!” It’s like seeing your friend from high school get interviewed and act like a professional. Except John and I aren’t actually friends*.
*John, let me know if you want to be friends**.
**If you want to be enemies, that’s cool too. I am a cold and heartless nemesis.
This October, Charlotte’s Web is turning 60. I’m guessing that kids reading it today are still charmed by Wilbur, Charlotte, Fern, and the rest of the cast. It has a wonderfully timeless feel, and this trailer to celebrate the upcoming anniversary got me teary:
Might have to reread this one before the anniversary! It’s been a long time.
PS–I hate spiders. I can’t even look at pictures of them. But Charlotte is okay by me.