Lots of good links:
- What I think of when I hear “diversifying your portfolio.”
- Crafting historical fiction for contemporary readers.
- And speaking of historical fiction, writing lessons from Hamilton.
- Maggie Stiefvater on Howl’s Moving Castle, Ace of Base, and other things that make me love her even more.
- Fanfic is where it begins.
- Librarians work with people, not with books, and other things you need to know about a career in librarianship.
- Diversity in blogging and at BEA.
- Awesome post about fostering young reader activism (bonus points for Cambridge!).
- Utilizing your inciting incident.
- Stacey Lee on finding and making mirrors.
- Silent reading parties should be most parties.
- Great collections of mental health resources for teens.
- And speaking of mental health and teens, Francisco X. Stork on writing about depression and hope.
- Reading about scientists’ challenges and failures can help teens be more motivated to do science.