Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! This has been a pretty exciting week for me, and I’m having a birthday redo this weekend (since my actual birthday involved food poisoning and frozen pipes), and today’s the second anniversary of The Chance You Won’t Return‘s publication, so I’m giving mid-April a big thumbs up. Let’s get the weekend started with a look at what I’ve been reading and writing.

ReadingThe Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
Characters solved mysteries a while after I did, but enjoyed the writing a lot.

Writing: He doesn’t say it, but I think it—no one else who wanted you.
Ping-ponging around new projects. We’ll see where I land.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, guys! It’s April Fool’s Day, so instead of a regular Friday Fifteen, let’s change things up with some gif book reviews:

Flying Too High by Kerry Greenwood

The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore

Lafayette in the Somewhat United States by Sarah Vowell
Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt
And a gif for the writing process:
Happy Friday Fool’s, everyone!

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! I’m looking forward to a weekend with long runs, bookish friends, and Easter festivities. To kick things off, here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing, in fifteen words or fewer.

ReadingFixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler
Quiet YA contemp with family drama. Ockler’s writing is lovely; need to read more.

Writing: “The first thing we do at practice is pray.”
The slow and (not so) steady slog through the first draft continues.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, guys! This weekend starts Daylight Saving Time, which always seems like a cheat because even though the days are getting longer (major yay), I always hate losing that hour. (Let’s be honest, it’s always an hour I would have spent sleeping.) That means we have to soak up every moment of weekend we can, so let’s kick things off with a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or fewer.

ReadingRising Strong by Brené Brown
Love “the story I’m making up” as a way to process emotional reactions.

Writing: “They tell me I’m better now. I don’t know what I was before.”
From my latest short story, now up at the Hanging Garden.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, guys! Thanks to some support and enthusiasm from my crit group, I managed to power through the first few chapters of a new project, and I’m heading into the weekend with a good writerly vibe. Here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or fewer:

ReadingDreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor
Not my favorite of the series, but writing was still gorgeous and I love Karou/Akiva.

Writing: “…it’s surprising Lily’s managed to keep her limbs in tact as long as she has.”
I’m glad that writing isn’t a contact sport.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! Last weekend was a lot of food poisoning and frozen pipes, so I’m looking forward to one that’s a little less eventful. To start things off, here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or fewer.

ReadingDays of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor
Gave me some weird fever dreams, but great distraction from a gross weekend.

Writing: “If you…get hit by a car, I’m leaving you to get eaten by wolves.”
Trying to dive into a new project, still feeling things out.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! This weekend is Valentine’s Day, and I am a big Valentine’s Day fan–red, hearts, chocolate, bring it on. So for today’s Friday Fifteen, I’m going to change it up a little and make some book recommendations.

When I was a teen, I never dated anyone. I had a ton of guy friends, but there was never anyone I was interested in dating, so my closest relationships were with my friends and family. And I’m guessing I wasn’t the first nor the last teen to feel this way. When people get down on Valentine’s Day for being all about couples, I want to remind them that love exists in all kinds of relationships, and that love is just as real as romantic love. Today, I want to share fifteen favorite YA/children’s lit book recommendations that put the focus on friend and family love.

  1. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery: the ultimate book about kindred spirits and sometimes you have to find your family.
  2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak: in case you didn’t cry enough at Anne of Green Gables.
  3. A Greyhound of a Girl by Roddy Doyle: four generations of women come together to help one move on in this beautiful portrayal of family.
  4. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: about being sisters, being friends, and learning how to grow apart and together.
  5. The Off Season by Catherine Gilbert Murdock: DJ Schwenk is my favorite, and this is the Dairy Queen book that focuses most on her family; so genuine and so touching.
  6. This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki: a touching, beautiful story about growing up and realizing your family is more complicated than you thought.
  7. Feeling Sorry for Celia by Jaclyn Moriarty: forever my go-to book about how friendships form and grow and change.
  8. How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr: love Zarr’s look at grief and loss and hope and how families can evolve.
  9. Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma: the complicated and dangerous devotion of two sisters who can only rely on each other.
  10. Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein: a devastating story of bravery and friendship and all my feels.
  11. Just Visiting by Dahlia Adler: even when their paths may be diverging, Reagan and Victoria’s supportive friendship rings so true to me.
  12. Tell the Wolves I’m Home by Carol Rifka Brunt: this story about the messiness of grief and love and illness sticks with me.
  13. Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta: this layered story of generations of friends wrecked me in the best way.
  14. The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth: I got to the end of this book and thought, “Oh my gosh, this is a family love letter.”
  15. Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker: fighting for your family with a creepy Southern gothic style.

Other favorite non-romantic love stories? Share them in the comments. Happy Valentine’s day, everyone!

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, guys! Yesterday I was drinking an iced coffee and today it’s snowing, which I guess means it’s February in New England. Let’s all spend the rest of the winter indoors in blanket forts, okay? Until the blanket forts are complete, here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing this week in fifteen words or fewer:

ReadingBone Gap by Laura Ruby
Beautiful writing, and another good recommendation for fans of Jessica Jones.

Writing: “…when I enter the building it smells the same—ice, sweat, and microwaved pizza.”
Oh first draft, it’s been a while.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, guys! I’ve had a good dose of creative connectivity this week, and I’m looking forward to even more creative time with my lovely crit group members over the weekend. In the meantime, here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing in fifteen words or fewer:

ReadingBig Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Encouraging, open, and conversational book about living as an artist. Definitely what I needed.

Writing: “You can’t sleep through my cross-country playlist,” TJ said. “It’s rhythmically impossible.”
Hoping to finish up with this pass of revision over the weekend; psyched to dive into something new, but I’m going to miss these characters (for the time being, at least).

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! The east coast is getting some major snow this weekend (stay safe, Southern and Mid-Atlantic friends!), which means it’s a good time to stay inside and cozy up with a book. Here’s a look at what I’ve been reading and writing this week, in fifteen words or fewer:

Reading: Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Pérez
This book wrecked me in the best way possible. Devastating story, brilliant writing.

Writing: “And in the stage wings, I saw Colby Finch, smiling like he felt it, too.”
Revision rolls along!