Friday Fifteen

The past week has been super hectic, but I’m psyched to be writing today’s Friday Fifteen. Onto the micro-book-reviews! Happy weekend, everyone.

photo (5)1. The Rain Catchers by Jean Thesman
A household of women who caught rain to wash their hair. Don’t remember much else.

2. Powerful Paleo Superfoods: The Best Primal-Friendly Foods for Burning Fat, Building Muscle and Optimal Health by Heather Connell and Julia Maranan
I don’t follow Paleo, but great recipes based on real food. Hello, blackberry-glazed salmon!

3. The Ghost at Dawn’s House (The Baby-Sitters Club, #9) by Ann M. Martin
Dawn’s house has a secret passageway, making me jealous forever.

4. Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor 
I would have devoured this even if I didn’t read for the 48-hour book challenge.

5. Dubliners by James Joyce
Ashamed to admit that I don’t remember much of these famous stories. Should try again.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s a beautiful Friday here, and I am so happy to be headed into the weekend. Onto the micro-book-reviews!

1. The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
The ending made me think “This was about Cameron and her parents,” which I loved.

2. The Miserable Mill (A Series of Unfortunate Events #4) by Lemony Snicket
I honestly don’t remember much about this one. Before the VFD plot really got going.

3. Henry V by William Shakespeare
The Henrys bleed together for me. I think I need to see them performed.

4. Cars and Trucks and Things That Go by Richard Scarry
We read this one all the time when I was little. Classic Scarry goodness!

5. Linger (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #2) by Maggie Stiefvater
Glad to be back with Grace and Sam; looking forward to the third book.

Friday Fifteen

Hurray for Friday! And how is it already the last Friday in June? In my mind, it’s still May. Gotta get in these last few June micro-book-reviews while I can.

1. Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina
I find myself still thinking about Piddy and her nuanced world. Feels timeless.

2. Meet Felicity: An American Girl (American Girls: Felicity #1) by Valerie Tripp
Felicity Merriman, cross-dressing animal rights activist.

3. Brave Navigator by David Valdes Greenwood
The play I asked to keep after my grad school playwriting class ended.

4.The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka
I have a soft spot for retold fairy tales and this one is way fun.

5. A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
Hilarious and touching and so my heart; my favorite kind of middle grade.

Friday Fifteen

Holy cow, this week got away from me. Let’s settle down with some book reviews in fifteen words or under.

1. Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein
Wein does it again. Stunningly written, compelling history, all the feels ever.

2. The Grim Grotto (A Series of Unfortunate Events #11) by Lemony Snicket 
Always a fan of undersea adventures, but this added too much mystery before the end.

3. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by J.K. Rowling
One way I can pretend I’m a Hogwarts student with a summer reading list.

4. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems
Even as a grown-up, I want to do read-alouds of this book.

5. Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee 
I was more interested in everyone surrounding the main character, which made for a slog.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! Let’s kick things off with some good ol’ book reviews in fifteen words or under.

1. This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales
Fun (especially the DJing), but I think my expectations were too high for this one.

2. Madeleine L’Engle Herself: Reflections on a Writing Life by Madeleine L’Engle
Mostly quotes, but lots of thoughtfulness from a stellar writer.

3. Alphabet Under Construction by Denise Fleming
Two things kids love combined; which I’d thought of it.

4. Golden Boy by Tara Sullivan
All the feels for Habo. Super lucky to be in Tara’s crit group!

5. Don’t Make Me Stop Now by Michael Parker
Mostly bought for one story as told through community college essay; worth it.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! I’m psyched to head into the long weekend, and psyched to share this week’s book reviews in fifteen words or under.

1. King Rollo and the Bread by David McKee
The adorable, illustrated version of “let them eat cake.”

2. Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy
I like a girl with vengeance in her heart. Well crafted, lots of feels.

3. Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli
Try not to fall in love with this one. A classic for so many reasons.

4. United States of Pie: Regional Favorites from East to West and North to South by Adrienne Kane
Fun to learn about lots of regional favorites–from shore to shore, pie’s a winner.

5. The Baby-Sitters Haunted House (Baby-Sitters Club Super Mystery, 1) by Ann M. Martin
What I think of every time I see/hear about a widow’s walk.

Friday Fifteen

Hurray for Friday! Let’s head into the weekend with a few book reviews in fifteen words or less:

1. Wild Magic (The Immortals #1) by Tamora Pierce
I never got into the Daine books like I did with the Alannas, but fun.

2. My Family Plays Music by Judy Cox
Super cute way to introduce kids to many kinds of music.

3. Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild
Old-school charming–love the Fossil sisters and their many talents.

4. The Devil in the Shape of a Woman: Witchcraft in Colonial New England by Carol F. Karlsen
Being a woman in Salem was the worst.

5. Claudia and the Mystery at the Museum by Ann M. Martin
One of the few BSC mysteries I read. Really liked the idea of tactile art.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, guys! Is it just me, or was this week about three weeks long? Good thing we’ve got the Friday Fifteen to carry us into the weekend. Here are this week’s micro-book-reviews:

1. Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta
Marchetta book about a girl and family mental health? No way I couldn’t love it.

2. About Animals (Childcraft: the How and Why Library #5) by World Book-Childcraft International
Why don’t I remember this one at all? Maybe I was afraid of potential spiders.

3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher’s Guide, Volume 1 (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher’s Guide #1) by by Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder
Before there was Tumblr, fans had to buy books about their favorite shows. Olden days!

4. Henry IV, Part 1 by William Shakespeare
Mostly I remember the pub stuff. Probably should watch a version.

5. The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food by Stan and Jan Berenstain
I didn’t understand the problem.

Friday Fifteen

After a brief break last week, we’re back with another Friday Fifteen! Here are this week’s book reviews in fifteen words or less:

1. Jenney’s First Year Latin by Charles Jenney, Rogers V. Scudder, Eric C. Baade
Takes me back to translating sentences about Roman armies on the march.

2. Fault Line by Christa Desir
A powerful, challenging, necessary read about sexual assault and how we all respond. Love Christa.

3. The Runaway Duck by David Lyon
Another book I remember sitting with on my own, enjoying the illustrations.

4. Second Best (Sweet Valley Twins #16) by Francine Pascal
We’re siblings but we’re so different! Oh wait, we’ve heard that before.

5. Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book by Better Homes and Gardens
Lots of helpful basics. Great for beginning cooks; one I refer back to.

Friday Fifteen

Happy Friday, everyone! It’s the Friday before Patriot’s Day/Marathon Monday (aka my favorite MA holiday) and the Friday before The Chance You Won’t Return officially hits selves. Eee! So for today’s Friday Fifteen, I’m featuring a few Amelia Earhart-ish books. Check out the latest in micro-book reviews:

1. Amelia Lost by Candace Fleming
Agent sent me a signed copy after she/Fleming were at a conference. Mid-revision inspiration!

2. The Fun of It by Amelia Earhart
Amelia talks about her own life, flying in general, and women aviators.

3. 20 Hours, 40 Min: Our Flight in the Friendship by Amelia Earhart
Earhart admits she was mostly a passenger on Friendship flight, but obvious she loves flying.

4. Amelia Earhart: Courage in the Sky by Mona Kerby
For 5th grade biography project. Thought, “If I have to read nonfiction, should pick Amelia.”

5. Last Flight by Amelia Earhart
Dispatches from Earhart’s final flight. Similar tonally to her other books, but ending still unsettling.