These illustrated versions of literary quotes are so cool! One I especially like:
You can buy them here.
These illustrated versions of literary quotes are so cool! One I especially like:
You can buy them here.
A bracelet made from the spine of Lois Lowry’s A Summer to Die? So cool.
Magic Industrie has lots of other great book spine bracelets, magic wallets, and buttons. A couple of others I dig are the Shakespeare bracelet, the Stars in Their Courses braclet, and the Rider wallet.
Because you can’t have enough book-related accessories, right?
Thanks to Fête for the heads up on this awesome shop!
Reason #112 why Candlewick Press is the best:
So glad to see these stories given support. A love of learning starts with picture books.
My desk and I need the floating mug:
Sadly, it’s not available yet, but you can pledge money via Kickstarter to make the floating mug a real thing and save desks everywhere. Because that hot cup of coffee/tea is vital to the writing process.
(via Core77)
Angela Rizza’s illustrations are so cool. My current favorite is her Armored Bears print:
I think Iorek Byrnison would be proud.
Angela has a lot of other children’s lit-related prints (Harry Potter fans, take note!), so make sure to check them out.
A few more links for a rainy Wednesday:
This may be my favorite book sculpture yet:
Gorgeous texture, and I love how it uses the natural lean of the book as part of the design. Artist Guy Laramee has other gorgeous works on his site; make sure to check them out.
(via swissmiss)
These 4D paper sculptures of letters and numbers by LoSiento are awesome. They remind me of the discussion of time and space in A Wrinkle in Time.
Love seeing all the pieces come together.
Digging this literary genre map. Not only does it have categories, but each tile gives you a brief description of the sub-genre and a few examples.
I think YA could use a version of this.
(image: Book Country)(via Book Riot)
These sculptures by Linda and Kelly Campbell (aka Artful Living) are gorgeous. Love the Charlotte’s Web one:
It really captures the spirit of the novel. So cool!
(H/T books, paper, scissors)