My latest short story is up at The Hanging Garden! This cycle’s theme was water, so initially I thought, “Of course I have to do a story that involves baby sea turtles!”

Look at how cute he is! Go, baby sea turtle, go!
But then I heard a news report of a tragic accident that involved a group of teens who went swimming, and immediately I knew that was the kind of story I wanted to write. A lot of times, these kinds of accidents happen to young adults who are doing something vaguely dangerous. 9 times out of 10, no one gets hurt, but that 1 time is disastrous. Your life is safe until it’s very, very not.
Click through to check out the story, and, if you want even more gif-inspired fiction, check out the entire back catalog of Hanging Garden stories.
When I was a teen there was a place just like that where we used to swim (sometimes). No one died, though. There were other stupid things that happened that were disastrous.
Good story!
“There were other stupid things that happened that were disastrous.” Now that’s a whole bunch of YA stories to write.
So glad you liked this one!
Loved it because it made me sad, Annie. So glad you shared this.
Thank you so much, Kristin!
The turtle gif is too adorable!!!
Oh my gosh, I could watch that gif over and over. Too much cute!!!