Links Galore

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3 thoughts on “Links Galore

  1. colleenmhughes says:

    You worked in an American Girls store? I’m so jealous! There were never any stores around me… I think there may be one now in one of the bigger malls.

    And no, no one liked Mallory. I don’t think even Ann M. Martin liked Mallory.

    • Annie Cardi says:

      Trust me, it wasn’t as glamorous as you might think. 😉 But my coworkers were very cool.

      And I think a recent interview Ann M. Martin shared what she envisioned the BSC was doing as adults, except for Mallory. Wah wah.

      • colleenmhughes says:

        Did you ever read Mallory Pike, #1 Fan? I never read it as a kid, but I have this ongoing project to track down and own the entire series, even the later books, so I read it as an adult. Mallory is a total brat. She literally stalks a local writer by finding out where she lives, and the writer is nice enough to let her be her “assistant” for a school project Mal has. But then Mal becomes convinced that writers HAVE to write about things only from their own lives, and she gets insanely angry with this poor author when she discovers that her characters are *gasp!* made up. And calls her a liar. And it’s like, umm, crazy much? In short, Mallory is the worst.

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