Ah, November–a month of giving thanks and the last of falling leaves, of hot cider and wool sweaters. And it’s a month of sitting in front of your computer, frantically typing to get to that ultimate goal of at least 50,000 words. Yep, it’s NaNoWriMo.
I’ve always been curious about NaNoWriMo. At first I was really snobby about it and said, “I don’t write just because it’s November. I write because it’s what I do!” But now I don’t think NaNoWriMo is just an excuse for people to try writing and give it up in December. It’s a way for writers to try something new and kick-start a project. It’s about connecting with the writerly community. Kind of like you going to road races. You can run 26.2 miles on any random day, but going to a marathon is fun and exciting and fosters a sense of running community.
Still, I always balk at actually talking part in NaNoWriMo. Last year I got married and was away for half of November, so that cancelled things out. This year I thought “But I’m already working on projects. I don’t want to have to start something totally new because it’s part of the rules.” Then I saw Debbie Ohi and Errol Elumir’s comic which referenced NaNoRebels.
Rebels, you say?
The official NaNo rules are:
- Write a 50,000-word (or longer!) novel, between November 1 and November 30.
- Start from scratch.
- Be the sole author of your novel.
- Upload your novel for word-count validation.
But the NaNoRebels don’t roll that way. Who needs rules? It’s about getting the writing done! They say, “This is a self-challenge. The REAL prize of NaNoWriMo is the accomplishment, and the big new manuscript you have at the end. Everything beyond that is icing on the cake.” Heck yeah!
Fanfics? You’re in. Short stories? Come on over. Already wrote stuff? You’re a rebel.
So even though it’s already November 1, I’m thinking about diving in. I’m very early into two first drafts, so I think this is a good way to kick me into high gear on one or the other (or both? I’m a rebel! I don’t care!). I’m also editing, so I’m glad that the NaNoRebels don’t require so much intensity on the brand-new draft.
Anyone been a NaNoRebel before? Anyone going full-on NaNo?
(image via TIE Fighters)
I’m doing full-on NaNo as I just wrapped up the first draft of another project (last night) and have a shiny idea for a new one. Many of my “writing buddies” are doing things their own way, and I know many others who are adopting a “NaNoTude” — I wrote about it here: http://www.crowriverwriter.blogspot.com/2012/10/monday-motivation-cop-nanotude.html
Join us! If you do, my NaNo username is JRMinnt. Look me up. And good luck!
Love the NaNoTude! I’ll make sure to look you up.
I was *planning* on being a rebel this year.
Last year I wrote a historical romance which both of my beta readers liked, but said was too short/went too fast. I ended up breaking it into two novels–both of which need to have their word count doubled.
I planned on writing the necessary words for the first one this NaNo, then I got a great idea for a dystopian novel that I didn’t want to put off. So I’m writing it from scratch.
I haven’t decided yet. I know, For me 1st November is nearly over and I haven’t written a word. I’m torn between starting something new as a sequel to an MS I’ve just finished and doing what Keri was planning to do – lengthen a romance by additing an extra 50k words. Still haven’t decided but I think the ‘from scratch’ one might require me to (shock horror) give up my Pantser status and actually do a plot plan. So I’ll probably be a nanorebel this year for the first time (all other years I’ve started from scratch). I could just start another romance from scratch, that would be the easiest thing, but I really should finish some of my languishing manuscripts!
Have fun being a NanoRebel! 😉
I like the idea of being a NaNoRebel! 🙂 Partly, of course, because I haven’t written a single word yet despite my protestations throughout October that I was massively looking forward to taking part. Which I am. If only I could write faster…