An afternoon of reading on the porch was the perfect way to spend a Saturday.
- 4 hours reading time (7 hours total)
- 418 pages read (914 pages total)
- 1 break for sushi
The Books
Review #3:
This morning at writing group, Tara lent me Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. Even though Tara and others had told me it was awesome and that I had to read it, I didn’t know much about it. Which ended up being a huge benefit to my reading experience, because I got to dive into a wild world and enjoy it without any preconceived notions. I loved the lushness of the story and the mythology, the beauty of the setting, and the expansive cast of awesome and memorable characters. (A blue-haired heroine was kind of made for me.) I would have been ob-freakin’-sessed with this book as a teen. Can’t wait to get Days of Blood & Starlight!
I read a short story (“Gentlemen Send Phantoms”) by Laini Taylor and LOVED it. I’ve been meaning to pick up this trilogy. Seems like I should get on that!